Picture by superbass

Bowls are the ideal mini meals: Snacks that are no longer a synonym for unhealthy eating.

12. Juli 2019

„Snacking trend opens up new opportunities“

The Green Seed Group, an international food and drink sales and marketing consultancy, on Hanni Rützler Foodreport 2020

FRANKFURT. Everybody is talking about snacking and the trend will become even more pronounced in the coming year. International manufacturers now will have the opportunity to enter the German grocery retail and food service market with their innovative snacking products.

The Snackification of food culture is an expression of a more flexible, spontaneous and individual society and was identified as one of next year’s major food trends by Hanni Ruetzler in her 2020 Food Report. It stands for the loosening of clear and learned structures of when, where and how to eat. Traditional meal times no longer structure our everyday lives, but we adapt our eating habits and structures more and more to more mobile and flexible living. Hence, snacks are increasing in demand and relevance and are no longer a synonym for unhealthy eating. New gastronomic concepts for high-quality and healthy snacking are emerging and even classic restaurants and retailers can no longer avoid the need to adapt to the trend of snacking.

Further opportunities lie in the following trends as clustered by Ms Ruetzler:

Eating Art: Art and design change the way we look at our food. This not only provides important “food for thought”, but also develops creative solutions – as a consequence, this also changes food production.

Beyond Plastic: The global plastic problem can no longer be denied and represents one of the greatest challenges for the food industry. Innovative start-ups stimulate the market with alternative solutions. Possibilities range from sustainable packaging to packaging-free systems.

Urban Food: Urban Food stands for new awareness and new movement that wants to promote innovation. Food production, processing and consumption are moving closer together again in urban areas. New technologies are bringing agriculture into cities and the production of new food becomes possible.

Source: Green Seed

Picture by superbass

Foodreport 2020


  • Foodreport
  • Foodtrends
  • Presse
  • Snackification
  • Urban Food


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